The Abel Program is driven by an inspirational group of women from within the community. We’re pleased to have you meet them!


Ellen Mhango

Community worker, Livingstonia

Auntie, head teacher, general driving force behind the entire program, Ellen was really who I started the program with. Possessing that rare balance of leadership and helping hand, she thrives on learning new things and is always the first to volunteer a wise solution. Ellen hasn’t always had it easy in life, but you will never hear her complain about a tiresome day or a menial task.


Chimwemwe Msowoya

Community worker, Livingstonia

If somewhere in a distant village, you hear a group of kids belting out at the top of their lungs and stomping up the dust with their feet, you know Chimwemwe is heading the class. Having taught primary school as a volunteer teacher before joining the program, she was always meant to be inspiring little minds.


Asha Nyirenda

Community worker, Livingstonia

Many of our students need patience and a sensitive tolerance that is mostly overlooked in a culture that often simply doesn’t have time for it. Asha is an absolute natural, especially with our intellectually disabled students, many of whom have a history of negligence and abuse.

Rose Chirwa

Community worker, Livingstonia

Rosebell is our modern connection. Having studied community development in Mzuzu, she left behind the conveniences of city life to came back to her home village and join our team. She has really grown into a leader and we couldn’t imagine the team without her laughter. In the meantime, she has started her own family here! 


Violet Nyasulu

Community worker, Livingstonia

Violet’s spirit is tangible in any room, even if the room is just the shade of a mango tree, which our classrooms often are. Since joining our team, she has been motivated to both learn and teach, inspiring her students as well as her colleagues.

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Salome Chotcha

Community worker, Livingstonia

Pleasant, gentle and warmly loving, Salome started helping out Judith in Junju and has now joined the team in Livingstonia. She has so much love to give and is especially devoted to those that don’t have a lot of support at home.

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Judith Mkandawire

Community worker, Junju

Herself a mother to a son with CP, Judith implored us to branch out the program to Junju. Her husband Allan is also a great supporter, pitching in whenever we need an extra hand - even cooking lunch when the ladies are busy, which for a man is just about unheard of out here!


Patricia Mkandawire

Community worker, Junju

Patricia is our beacon of joy! She joined Judith in looking after our Junju students after Salome moved to Livingstonia. Together they climb the steepest slopes and trudge over the muddiest paths to visit about 20 kids each week.

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Tryness Nyasulu

OT student, Kachere Rehabilitation Centre

Bashful at first (it took dozens of tries to get her to laugh in this photo!) Tryness has always been wonderfully bright. When she came out of the room where she sat her entrance exams for the occupational therapy diploma, she confidently told me she would be accepted into the program - and she was right! We can’t wait to see her and everything she has learned so far when she comes home for the holidays!

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Naomi Opprecht

Founder & Director

And then I suppose there’s me! Originally from Switzerland, I fell in love with Malawi at first sight. In 2012 I decided to build my home here in Livingstonia - I love the quiet mountain life, the familiarity of a small community and the freedom to learn. I don’t have a background in OT or physio - the Abel Program developed as if on its own. But these kids have really become an anchor for me and I’m eager to see what lies ahead!